What makes an Experience Unique ?
Hey You, Welcome.Thanks for visiting my blog.I have finally decided to take certain thoughts and emotions out of my mind and allow them to roam naked here without any social inhibitions.There is an important question I am often getting these days.What makes an Experience unique ?.I firmly believe that our worldview is shaped by our Thoughts,Actions,Expectations and finally Experiences.We all want to believe that we are existentially unique.In other words,our vantage point makes our worldview unique.In any given environment,no one experiences a experience the way we do and that is what makes our happiness and griefs unique and we want them to belong only to us.But more often than not,the way we experience an experience is tinted by the expectation we have in due course of the process.I am sure you have had events which you've thought to be a life breaker at that point of time.Break-up's,bereavement or even something simple as a realization can be so painful and confusing that ...