Engagement and other society

 Hi There,

How does an individual feel unique ? Don't we all have the need to feel and think that whatever we do is very different and in someway other people will not completely understand it as thoroughly as we do.What is considered as a complete life anyways ? Is it like we all have a set of check boxes which the society expects us to fill and fit in ?.There is always this invisible eye which is kind of watching us all the time and checking if we don;t ward off to the path less taken.

We all have many such events in life.One of them being Marriage.In no other event,do we see the invisible society in play at large ( this would be the first major one ) in our life.

The first question being , why to get married at all ? Can't I just stay how I am and be happy ? How can I be happy when I base my happiness on another new person ? First off,how can I marry some one who is a complete stranger and take a blind leap of faith assuming ( hoping ) things would work out fine as we move along.I am happy as such and no need someone to complete me or to support me as I move along in life.Why do we all cherish our old times and yearn for a scoop of nostalgia from time to time ? Because it makes us feel better that there was a time when we thought everything in our life was very perfect and it makes sense to look back at the way things were so that we can get a glimmer of hope now.We all have to need for a relationship spanning across decades and different phases of life.Can one person replace all the other relationships ?. There is an African proverb which tells,it takes a village to raise a child.When we fall in love,do we look for a friend/philosopher/guide/equal companion all in one person ? ..Some of us are lucky enough to find that one person even though we realize the need for roles is yet to come.Do we fall in love with a person or to the idea of what that person is capable to do to us ? All of our relationships do not necessarily end in marriage.Who decided that , for a relationship to stand the test of time is to take it to next level and get married ? The Society uh !! The time it takes for a relationship to evolve might be different as we age.Don't we all become conservative as we get older ? Look for the safe , tried and tested methods and lower our risk taking ability ?. Maybe that is why , when we are young and decide to get married,be it love or an arranged marriage,the decision is quite easier and we often think marriage is more about two people not needing the help of the society they previously belonged to.None of us can disconnect our-self from the societal ecosystem we were born in and grow with / die in.In such cases,can we work out an arrangement of sorts with the society wherein the idea of a partner and marriage begins in the society and ends in the individual ? That should have been the beginning of a system called Arranged Marriage.The Main pillar being,the individuals,though new to each other find something in common with the society and decide to take a shot to see how things might work out if they decide to get married.Society decides to take the first step and create a common platform for the two individuals.Marriage,I believe is a different ball game , it matters very little if it is a arranged marriage or a love marriage.

The grand Indian Machine of Arranged Marriage has found an individual for me within its carefully constructed societal boundaries.I suppose End Of day,It falls on the individuals to discover each other and proceed as an two tag team in the various ups and downs the society and individuals throw at each other !! 

Welcoming my new companion to my life and Blog !!


  1. Woooooow.... Your perspectives are more pleasing 👏👏👏

    1. Many Thanks for your words and glad to know you're taking a similar path like me :)

  2. You shoot out questions, you give answers..you pass on positivity where negativity is trying to compete with you..what more can i expect.. you leave me with only one comment, which says no comments..

    1. Such a meaningful comment which means a lot to me ..What are words without identity..Please reveal yourself :)


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